About Me
I was born and raised in Ethiopia and moved to the United States in 2003 to pursue my studies. I have a B.S. in Communications from Liberty University and a Masters in Organizational Leadership from Columbia International University. I am also a certified Cultural Intelligence(CQ) Coach.
After 14+years of developing Discipleship and Outreach strategies in evangelical churches and non-profits, I grew impatient with the lack of mutuality and respect for leadership of those from global south. I see a global church that is fully capable of mutually partnering for the work of the gospel. For some reason my western colleagues couldn't trust or submit to the leadership of those from the global south. To break the cycle of harmful physical and spiritual impact of missions locally and globally and to elevate the voices of the unheard, I left my full time ministry role to start JUST MISSIONS an online space to gather diaspora leaders I knew needed to be given an opportunity to lead.
JUST MISSIONS ultimately gave birth to my first book "A Just Mission: Laying Down Power and Embracing Mutuality". My book aims to forge the path of leaving a relational legacy surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.
I'm most excited about my recent venture, The Mutuality Lab. I launched The Mutuality Lab in 2024. In that space I bring Missionaries, diaspora leaders, immigrant pastors, donors and impact investors and western churches for an experiential learning opportunity aided by cohorts, local and international trips as well as group and one-on-one coaching sessions. I am actively developing strategies to train individuals and organizations with a fresh look at missions for global impact.
Book a free call to find out how we can change the mission movement to one that is inclusive and dignifying of the leadership of the global south.